
Nu wa smite
Nu wa smite

nu wa smite

They ruled with wisdom and ushered in an age of recovery and prosperity, for which she is adored and worshipped to this day.Yet, the skies grow dark once more and chaos threatens to engulf the land. Everything leaned, but the End was averted.In the years that followed, Nu Wa and her brother, Fu Xi, took the throne of China. Seas retreated, but rivers drained westward. Skies cleared, but the stars had shifted. Balance between Heaven and Earth was restored, but the world was never the same. One leg she used to prop the Heavens aloft and with the elemental stones, she sealed it in place. With the power of these stones, she slew a gargantuan tortoise, severed its legs, and raced to the broken World Pillar. They were her creations, her children, her responsibility.As the Earth shuddered and broke, and the skies turned black with ash, Nu Wa forged five mystic stones, one for each of the elemental forces of nature: Earth, Water, Fire, Wood, and Metal. In ages past, Nu Wa, Guardian of Heaven and Earth, hand-crafted all people from clay. Firestorms, floods, and bloodthirsty monsters ravaged the land and stole the lives of more than can be counted. When two warring Gods shattered the World Pillar, Heaven and Earth dangerously shifted, and Armageddon was unleashed. You can also use it to apply item effects on all of your enemies (like Divine Ruin) and it’s also a valid use of the ability.

nu wa smite

You can either use your Fire Shards as a constant poke tool, and using it off of cooldown, or you can use it as an execution tool, to make sure your enemies don’t escape from combat. Mysterious Fog is a really good stealth tool for 3-5 seconds, so use it wisely as well. Avoid spamming Shining Metal, as you can be caught without your main CC tool and be instantly hacked down by the enemy’s DPS. Using your Clay Soldiers into Shining Metal combo, you can probably cut down most of an enemy’s health, while also stunning them.

#Nu wa smite windows#

Late game: For late game, you should focus on creating windows of opportunity. Focus on damaging the squishies (enemies that don’t have a lot of protection) and rotate effectively. If both of you are behind, you should be defensive in this stage. If one is ahaed and the other is behind, be careful and exchange agressions passively. If both you and your jungler have leads, you should be agressive in this stage. The main denominator for how aggressive you should be during mid game is how you’re doing against the mid and how are the junglers against each other. Having wards up is the difference between life or death, and losing the game early on or getting a tangible lead. Mid game: During the mid game, you should pay attention to rotations. Try to contest the mid furies when your jungler rotates into mid, and don’t forget to also get your red buff! Following this formula, you should arrive at level 5 in no time! Thereafter, you want to start poking the enemy with either Mysterious Fog or Shining Metal, while, of course, focusing on clearing the wave as well.

nu wa smite

After that, you should head straight into the mid lane, in time to clear the wave with another Shining Metal, hopefully getting at least 4 of the 6 minion kills. You can either throw your Shining Metal over the wall or you can use Shining Metal and basic attack for a bit. Early game: When starting the game, you should help the jungle with the yellow buff.

Nu wa smite